Alaska State Epinephrine Law WMTC is an approved Alaska state epinephrine auto-injector training program as per AS 17.22.020. AS 17.22.010 permits individuals who have completed an approved training program to obtain a prescription for an epinephrine auto-injector and use it on another person in an emergency situation. Outfitters to obtain a prescription to purchase epinephrine auto-injectors for staff who have been trained in their use. WMTC graduates may obtain a prescription by presenting their certification card to a physician and referring to the two statutes. In some cases, graduates may need also show the prescribing physician, PA, or nurse practitioner a copy of WMTC's approval letter from the state. Washington State Epinephrine Law WMTC is recognized by Washington State Department of Health as an authorized Epinephrine Auto-injector & Anaphylaxis Training Provider. The law permits healthcare providers to prescribe epinephrine auto-injectors to certified lay providers and REQUIRES the lay provider to report the use of epinephrine within five days of an incident via the departments Epinephrine Auto-injector Incident Reporting Survey online at California State Epinephrine Law WMTC is an approved California state epinephrine auto-injector training program. WMTC students issued a WMTC Epinephrine card after April 29, 2019, may apply for a California epinephrine auto-injector certification card and should visit for information and an application form. Applicants must include a WMTC epinephrine certificate with their application; the certificate is different from the WMTC epinephrine card issued at their course. To obtain a WMTC epinephrine certificate for the State of California application please email [email protected]. Put CA State Epi Certification in the subject line. In the body of the email include:
Upon receipt of the email, our office will verify the student's WMTC epi certification using the above information and send them a pdf file of the certificate for them to print and include in the application for California State Epinephrine Certification; this service is fee of charge to all WMTC graduates. We will also send each student a pdf file summary of our auto-injector curriculum and CA Auto-injector laws. NOTE: California Epinephrine Certificates expire two years from the date a student graduated from their WMTC course. Businesses and other organizations may obtain a prescription and stock epinephrine auto-injectors if they employ or utilize a volunteer that is an EMSA-certified lay rescuer. To receive the epinephrine auto-injector(s), the business must take the EMSA certification card to a physician to receive a prescription. The prescription can then be filled by a pharmacy. A business that stocks epinephrine auto-injectors is required to keep records, create and maintain an operations plan, and report to EMSA when an epinephrine auto-injector is used. Looking for a reliable field reference? Consider consider purchasing one of our print or digital handbooks; our digital handbook apps are available in English, Spanish, and Japanese. Updates are free for life. A digital SOAP note app is also available.
Our public YouTube channel has educational and reference videos for many of the skills taught during our courses. Check it out!