Unparalleled Instruction in Wilderness Medicine
& Outdoor Program Risk Management
& Outdoor Program Risk Management
Contact Us
Open most weekdays 9 AM - 2 PM Pacific time
Closed most weekends & holidays...and occasionally for skiing, paddling, climbing, hiking, biking....
Open most weekdays 9 AM - 2 PM Pacific time
Closed most weekends & holidays...and occasionally for skiing, paddling, climbing, hiking, biking....
Wilderness Medicine Training Center Office
[email protected] 509.996.2502 |
Wilderness Medicine Training Center
POB 11 Winthrop, WA 98862 |
When communicating with us via email, please make sure to allow messages from @wildmedcenter.com so that they don't end up in your spam folder! Include your phone number when you contact us so that we can be in touch if an email bounces back.
WMTC Japan
岡村泰斗 株式会社backcountry classroom 代表取締役兼社長 3003253 茨城県つくば市大曽根3765-4 029-895-3775 [email protected] |
WMTC Colombia
Santiago Atuesta Diseñador e instructor de viajes y experiencias en áreas silvestres. El Orégano, Vda. Yerbabuena, Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia. +57 319 256 3993 [email protected] |