While we make every effort to keep this page current, you should verify the information by calling the phone numbers and accessing the web sites before leaving for your trip. Please contact us if you find any errors.
Animated Knots ~ Clearly shows how to tie many of the knots commonly used in general campcraft and rescue.
Arizona Poison & Drug Information Center ~ Phone: 1-800-222-1222. Provides up to date assessment and treatment information on all wilderness toxins especially North American bites and stings.
Ascultation Assistant ~ Hear and differentiate between different heart murmurs and lung sounds.
Department of Homeland Security ~ Basic, practical information on how to prepare for disasters of all types.
Divers Alert Network (DAN) ~ 24 hour phone HOTLINE: 1-919-684-8111. DAN also maintains a non-emergency phone Monday through Friday, 9 AM-5 PM EST: 1-919-684-2948.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ~ 24 hour phone HOTLINE: 404-639-3311 Gathers and disseminates information on world wide infectious diseases.
Department of State ~ 24 hour phone HOTLINE: 1-888-407-4747 Gathers and disseminates world wide travel and safety information.
Heart Tones ~ A quick guide to heart tones, why they are helpful, what they sound like, and what they mean.
International Association of Medical Assistance to Travelers (IAMAT) ~ 716-754-4883 ~ Gathers and disseminates world wide travel and safety information.
Musculoskeletal System ~ an interactive website dedicated to learning the bones of the musculoskeletal system
Mountain Rescue Association (MRA) ~ An international mountain rescue organization that assists SAR units with training and policies. Look here to see if there is an MRA registered Search & Rescue team near you.
National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) ~ National organization of pre-hospital professionals that help set EMS protocols.
National Poison Control Center ~ National HOTLINE: 1-800-222-1222. Provides general assessment and treatment information for poisons. May redirect to state poison control.
National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health Anatomy Videos ~ animated videos showing the anatomy of body parts and organ systems and how diseases and conditions affect them.
Wilderness Medical Society (WMS) ~ International society for wilderness medicine. Recommends practice guidelines for wilderness medicine and sponsors numerous wilderness medicine conferences.
World Health Organization ~ Gathers and disseminates world wide health information.