The WMTC Affiliate Program is primarily designed to train employees of a high school, college or university to deliver WMTC courses to their staff and students at a discounted rate. Affiliate organizations pay WMTC a royalty fee based on the course type and its enrollment; they are responsible for their employee's salary and insurance. Employees of an affiliated organization are required to maintain a WMTC WFR & WCPR certification and may only teach courses for their affiliated organization unless they also meet the licensed business requirements.
Those interested in becoming an Affiliate Instructor must successfully apply for and complete our Instructor Training Course. Like all instructor candidates, graduates of the ITC enter and participate in an apprenticeship until they are ready to instruct. The length of the apprenticeship varies for each individual. In some cases, graduates are ready to instruct hybrid WFA courses upon completion of the ITC and Standard WFA courses after apprenticing one or two courses. Graduates often assist two to five WFR courses before they are ready to instruct WFR or WEMT courses.
Affiliate organizations are expected to purchase and maintain their own equipment and supplies in accordance with WMTC policies.
Becoming a WMTC affiliated organization and having an employee trained as a WMTC instructor has many benefits associated with it:
Current WMTC Affiliates
The WMTC Affiliate Program is primarily designed to train employees of a high school, college or university to deliver WMTC courses to their staff and students at a discounted rate. Affiliate organizations pay WMTC a royalty fee based on the course type and its enrollment; they are responsible for their employee's salary and insurance. Employees of an affiliated organization are required to maintain a WMTC WFR & WCPR certification and may only teach courses for their affiliated organization unless they also meet the licensed business requirements.
Those interested in becoming an Affiliate Instructor must successfully apply for and complete our Instructor Training Course. Like all instructor candidates, graduates of the ITC enter and participate in an apprenticeship until they are ready to instruct. The length of the apprenticeship varies for each individual. In some cases, graduates are ready to instruct hybrid WFA courses upon completion of the ITC and Standard WFA courses after apprenticing one or two courses. Graduates often assist two to five WFR courses before they are ready to instruct WFR or WEMT courses.
Affiliate organizations are expected to purchase and maintain their own equipment and supplies in accordance with WMTC policies.
Becoming a WMTC affiliated organization and having an employee trained as a WMTC instructor has many benefits associated with it:
- Instructors may teach courses over multiple days throughout a quarter or semester making WMTC wilderness medicine courses and certifications more accessible to traditional students.
- Minimum course enrollment is 8 students with an 18 person maximum depending on instructor experience; standard contract minimum for a WMTC course is 14. The lower course minimum makes it more financially viable for an organization to offer an internal course to their staff or students.
- Since affiliate instructors are employees, live locally, and the affiliate organization is responsible for their salary, the retail cost of a WMTC course is significantly lower for their staff and students. Note that public enrollment pricing remains within standard WMTC pricing guidelines to avoid devaluing contract courses; funds generated from public enrollment go directly to the sponsoring affiliate organization.
- Instructors have access to WMTC presentations for use during inservice training days at no additional charge.
Current WMTC Affiliates
- Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, AK
- Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO
- Mt Hood Community College, Gresham, OR
- Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
- Southern Utah University, Cedar City, UT
- The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA
- Union College, Lincoln, NE
- University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
- Westminster University, Salt Lake City, UT
- Corporacion Educativa Los Nogales, Bogota, Colombia
- Archuleta School District, Pagosa Springs, CO